Living with kids in the house can be quite a challenge. There is virtually no way for you to stop them from spilling something or worse, scratching your good floor. The best thing you can do is to find a flooring solution that is easy to maintain.
The easiest flooring application to maintain is vinyl. When your child spills his/her food, all you have to do is use cloth soaked in warm water and wipe off the mess. It is also true that vinyl applications don’t last as long as other applications because of its thinness. Still, it’s a pretty good flooring to use if you have little kids who can’t control their mess.
Cork and Timber
Cork and timber floors can scratch and dent, but unless you allow your child to handle sharp tools (as of course no good parent would), you have nothing to worry about. These types of flooring are more expensive than vinyl, but they will last longer. The biggest risk with this type of flooring is the spillage. When you’re not careful, and you don’t polish and buff the surface of your floor regularly, the floor can suffer from indentations, softening, rotting, and/or
dullness. Have a professional treat your floors once in a while, and make sure you put protective covering on your furniture legs so they won’t scratch against your good floors.
The last floor type on your list, if you have kids, should be carpet. Carpets are fairly high maintenance in living and kids rooms especially. You need to make sure that they’re shampooed regularly to keep them odour-free. When you have children in the house, you won’t be able to control the spillage. Accidents are bound to happen. Buy a special vacuum for instant cleaning, and have a professional cleaner visit your home regularly for maintenance. Carpets are often used in bedrooms, so the best way to avoid costly cleaning is to have a rule against food in those rooms.
Of course, if you want some great advice from one of our flooring experts, feel free to pop into your nearest Andersens. You can also contact us on 1800 016 016 or visit our website